Wednesday, April 21, 2010

my quick update

its been more than two weeks since my last post.
ahh blame the BB. i always online by BB and faz (finally) using iphone, so we can always keep in touch in every single second. Therefore I rarely online via my PC and write a post. huhu.

my latest update :
>> I've been busy with KKN thingy, i have to stay for 3 days in rancaekek village every weekend till May. therefore i rarely to go to the mosque. huhuhu! poor me!
>> I've been enjoying my credits business. yes, indeed. i love it when they needed my credits urgently and i can send it to them immediately. and exactly when they pay their debt. i have much oney cash in my wallet in a snap! :)
>> May is coming soon. yeay yeay! cant wait to meet my soon-to-be-hubby-insyaA :)

okay. i think its enough.
talk to you later :)
by the way, here are my photos in Rancaekek.

good friends. good place. good environment

last but not least
good boyfriend also
Bebi Faz :*


Thursday, April 1, 2010

agen pulsa

selasa sore kemarin saya resmi menjadi agen pulsa elektrik :)

muncul ide pengen jadi agen pulsa pas senin pagi, di travel menuju bandung, bela2in browsing tentang bisnis pulsa dari bb. sampai akhirnya menjatuhkan pilihan pada satu web. Minta dukungan dari bebih, and i got it so nice and so encouraging as well (uhh you are not only my #1 big fan, u're my best supporter as well! ).
senin malem re-browse via pc, senin pagi register, selasa sore kirim deposito ke dealernya.. dann resmi menjadi agennya! as simple as that.
why so fast? yeah i did mean it, sebelum mood hilang. sebelumm niatan hanya menjadi "angot2an tai ayam', harus sefera dilaksanakan semuanya dalam satu waktu!
haha thats me!

selasa malem, agak2 ada trouble. i lost my card-wallets. yang berisi ktp, sim, and atm. huaa sangat berharap ada di mobil fikar, tapi dia bilang ga ada. panik.
akhirnyaa sampai kosan saya berusaha tidak menghiraukannya dengan konsen promo pulsa.
yes, via bbm dan twitter. ohh how technology helps people alot!
yang tadinya tweet gw isinya panik dompet hilang, langsung ganti dengan promosi pulsa.
yeay dengan promosi jam 1 malem, ada ajaloh customer pertamaku.. they are my best friends :)

dan rabu sore tadi gue udah deposit lagi karena tingginya animo teman2 saya, hehe. ada yg minta pulsa 5 ribu sampai dengan 50 ribu. ada yang minta via bbm, twitter, telpon, ym. sangat bervariasi.sangat menyenangkan.
yah walaupun belom ada pemasukan realnya ke pundi gue, but its ok. The ultimate is i feel so guhhreaat doing this, feel glad helping others, feel glad to help fulfilling their needs :)

Thank you Papa for the money support and the little prayer
Thank you Bebihh for the support and some boost words! <3

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